Good Afternoon Grissom Choir,
We had a great first week back after Fall Break! We are in the long stretch of preparing for our Winter Concert for the remaining 8 weeks in this semester. I am excited to work on this new repertoire with each of our choirs, while also engaging in the many extra-curricular Grissom Choir events that will be ongoing! Our Fall Concert Video Recording is now LIVE on our Youtube page! Visit to watch our performance! This Week in Choir… Women’s Choir: Music Theory Review Continue learning Laus Deo! Begin learning Sweet Silent Night & Psallite Continue learning Long Ago Men’s Choir: Continue learning Riu, Riu, Chiu & Star of Wonder Continue learning Rise Up Shepherd & O Come Emmanuel Continue learning Long Ago Concert Choir: Music Theory Review Continue learning Who Has Seen the Wind? Continue learning Gaudete!, Snow on Snow, & Autumn Gives Her Hand to Winter Continue learning Gloria in Excelsis Deo Chamber Choir: White Winter Hymnal Percussion Try-Outs Finish reviewing Veteran’s Day Program Repertoire Continue learning Run to the Manger & White Winter Hymnal Continue learning O Nata Lux & Sing We Now Continue learning Christmas Cantata All-City Festival Permission Form & Payment The 2024 All-City Choral Festival will be held ONE week, on Monday October 21st & Tuesday, October 22nd. An email was sent out weeks ago with important documents concerning this event, and was handed out to students in class. Please see the provided email & paperwork for all details (same information found at The single, full-year, digital Permission-To-Travel Form (see below) and $30 Festival Fee are due by THIS COMING Friday, October 18th! Uniform Pinning Round 2 New students and returning students who ordered a new uniform and have yet to have their dress/tux pants pinned, our Seamstress will be in class during Advisory on Tuesday, October 15th to pin remaining uniforms in preparation for hemming. It is imperative that students that are receiving new uniforms and have yet to be pinned come to advisory on Tuesday in order to get uniforms prepared for our upcoming All-City & Winter Concerts. All-State Audition Date The 2024 All-State Choral Festival Auditions are officially set for SATURDAY, November 9th, which is only 4 weeks away! More information, will be emailed out in the coming weeks. However, there are several students who have yet to receive their All-State music due to lack of payment. These fees have been posted on My Music Office, and music has been available for students to pick-up once payment is received (MMO or Money Box). Grissom Choir Cheeseburger Bobby’s Spirit Night This coming Tuesday, October 15th, Grissom Choir will be hosting a Spirit Night at Cheeseburger Bobby’s (2785 Carl T Jones Dr. SE) from 4-9pm! All you need to do is receive a flyer in class or at the door, & mention Grissom Choir when ordering so that the proceeds benefit Grissom Choir. Come out and support! Voces8 Educational Encounter & Concert The Huntsville Chamber Music Guild will be presenting Voces8 in concert Saturday, Oct 19th at 2 pm in the sanctuary of Trinity United Methodist Church on Airport Road. In addition, there will be a FREE Educational Encounter that same day, Saturday Oct 19, from 10:30am- 12pm, also to be held at Trinity Methodist Church. The Encounter will begin at 10:30 am with Q and A, followed by an open rehearsal until 12 pm. All students who attend the Educational Encounter will receive a FREE ticket to the afternoon’s performance. While this is not a requirement to attend, I highly encourage you to do so, as this grammy winning, professional octet is world renown. Feel free to search the web and youtube for Voces8 to see what amazing things they have done, and visit the link below to sign-up! Sincerely, Tucker Ratcliff Choral Director | Grissom Choir Webmaster & Editor | Alabama ACDA Treasurer | Huntsville Choral Director’s Association (256) 428-8000 ext. 2271 | [email protected]
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February 2025