Good Afternoon Grissom Choir,
Next Thursday & Friday, I will be out of class due to the annual Alabama Music Educator’s Conference being held in Birmingham. Students are to take their next Music Theory Test, and split up into sectionals on these days. A detailed set of instructions will be left with the substitute, and will also be found on Schoology! This Week in Choir… Women’s Choir: Music Theory Test Continue learning Sing Out, My Soul & The Echo for Assessment Continue learning Where The Light Begins & TaReKiTa Men’s Choir: Music Theory Test Continue learning “Go” Said The Star & Firefly Darkness for Assessment Continue learning Cantate Domino Begin learning Set Me As A Seal Concert Choir: Music Theory Test Continue learning Dies Irae & Shenandoah for Assessment Continue learning Hush!, Storm, & Invictus Chamber Choir: Music Theory Review & Test Lean Nachtwache No. 2 Composer, History, & Meaning Continue learning Laus Trinitati, Rest, Time, Fá Ana canzona, & Invictus Continue reviewing O Clap Your Hands, Lullaby, & The Lord Bless You & Keep You Begin learning Alma Mater NYC Performance Tour Rehearsals Travelers, we began preparations for our upcoming NYC Performance Tour via rehearsals starting this past week! All Tenors & Basses will rehearse every Tuesday during Advisory, while all Sopranos & Altos will rehearse every Friday during Advisory. An email will be sent out to all teachers on each of these days regarding your attendance. Yearbook Photographs Grissom Choir photographs for this year’s Yearbook will take place on Wednesday, February 5th during 4th block. Students will need to bring their FULL uniform to school on this day, of which they can leave in the men’s & women’s dressing rooms. ALL Grissom Choir students will report to the auditorium at the beginning of 4th block, of which each individual choir class will be instructed to change into their uniforms for their choir’s yearbook photo in shifts. Pizza & Pop Auditions Auditions for our annual Pizza & Pop Showcase are coming up in 3 weeks, on the afternoon of Friday, February 7th from 4:00-6:30, with the actual event being on Friday, February 21st @ 6:00pm. For those interested in auditioning, we will speak in class concerning the criteria and what is expected out of you. I highly encourage any and all Grissom Choir students to audition for this evening of dinner & music. All Student Audition Information can be found on our website at, along with the Audition Form! Pizza & Pop Ticket RSVP All friends and family members of Grissom Choir students are invited to join us for Pizza & Pop, located in Wesley Hall at Trinity United Methodist Church on Friday, February 21st at 6:00pm! 1 Ticket @ $15.00 each (sold at the door, cash & card accepted) includes a "showcase" style performance evening featuring our multi-talented Grissom Choir students, along with 2 slices of Pizza, a drink, chips, & dessert. All attendees are required to RSVP by Wednesday, February 19th in order to attend. Please visit to reserve your dinner & entertainment today! Sincerely, Tucker Ratcliff Choral Director | Grissom Choir Webmaster & Editor | Alabama ACDA Treasurer | Huntsville Choral Directors Association (256) 428-8000 ext. 2271 | [email protected]
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DirectorTucker Ratcliff Archives
February 2025