This Week in Choir: Week 27
Good Evening Grissom Choir, Thank you to all of those that supported our students at Pizza & Pop this past Friday! We had a wonderful turn out, and were excited to showcase our multitalented students! This Week in Choir… Women’s Choir: Rehearse Didn’t My Lord Deliver Daniel & Omnia Vincit Amour with accompanist for assessment Men’s Choir: Rehearse Agnus Dei & Vive L’Amour with accompanist for assessment Concert Choir: Rehearse Sinnuh Man & finish preparing If Ye Love Me for assessment W.I.N. Rehearsals Chamber Choir: Begin learning Lullaby Continue learning Caritas Abundant Rehearse Never Gonna Walk This Journey Alone & Ubi Caritas II for assessment State Choral Performance Assessment State Choral Performance Assessment (SCPA) will be held at Grissom High School THIS Friday March 4th. Each choir (along with other choirs in our district) will perform the 2 songs that we have been working on this semester in front of a panel of 3 adjudicators. These adjudicators (typically collegiate choral directors) assess each choir in their execution and performance of these two songs, focusing on blend, balance, tone, rhythmic and note accuracy, musical phrasing, energy, etc. Each choir will then go into a Sight-Reading room, where they will be adjudicated by 1 judge on how well they can learn a new piece of music in the span of 5 minutes. Each of these 4 adjudicators will then rate our performance based on a rubric and scoring sheet: I: Superior, II: Excellent, III: Good, & IV: Fair. Grissom Choir has had a history of being rated Superior & Excellent in their performances, of which I am excited to continue with our students. Since this day will be a B-Day, Chamber & Women’s Choir will participate during their normal class block. Concert Choir’s time slot will be during 3rd block, and Men’s Choir during 4th block. For Concert & Men’s Choir, this will be an excused absence. All students will need to bring their complete concert uniform to school that day and may leave it in the women’s & men’s dressing rooms until their performance time. As this is a performance, all students are expected to be at school and participate in this assessment. Concert Choir W.I.N. Rehearsals In order to finalize preparations for SCPA this week, Concert Choir will be holding SCPA rehearsals during W.I.N. Tuesday will be a Soprano & Alto sectional. Wednesday will be a Tenor & Bass sectional. All Concert Choir members will rehearse during W.I.N. on Thursday. On these days, please report directly to the choir room. For those students that do not have me for W.I.N., an email will be sent out to all teachers excusing you from class. Grissom Choir 2023 European Concert Tour Update For those travelers that have already registered, please see the email that was sent out last week for an update to this trip, including an updated price, COVID precautions, and new payment plan. These emailed updates can also be found on a new section on our website at All-State Choral Festival For those selected to participate, we will have a mandatory All-State meeting the evening of Tuesday, March 8th at 6:00pm in the Choral Room. This will be required for all students participating, as well as parents, even if they are not traveling to Birmingham! All fees and forms are due by this evening as well. Please see the the Acceptance Letter that was emailed out this past Monday, as well as the physical packet that was handed out to students this past Friday.
DirectorTucker Ratcliff Archives
January 2025