Good Evening Grissom Choir,
I hope everyone had a great 2nd week back to school! While HCS has announced that students will be returning next month, I will continue to pour my efforts into virtual learning at the moment. Students have begun learning various songs using Practice Tracks & PDF’s on Schoology/Google Drive and I have been very impressed thus far with the talent and dedication that our students have while E-Learning! This Week in Choir… Women’s Choir: The Snow - mm. 27-42 The Snow- mm. 42-58 Men’s Choir: Music Theory 1.1 Test The Vagabond - mm. 27-43 The Vagabond - mm. 44-61 Concert Choir: The Word Was God - mm. 29-44 The Word Was God - mm. 45-end Chamber Choir: Soon-Ah Will Be Done - mm. 17-47 Soon-Ah Will Be Done - mm. 48-end Soon-Ah Will Be Done - Entire Song Vocal Lab: TBA - Check Schoology! Required Handbook Items Parents/Guardians, this past Friday was the deadline to watch the Parent Meeting Video, sign the Grissom Choir Handbook Acknowledgement, and either pay the Basic Support Fee in full or set up a Payment Plan with our Treasurer. All of these items and information can be listed on our website at If your child wishes to continue to participate in choir, these things must be done ASAP. I will begin sending emails to individuals who have not done so. Thank you for those that have! Fall Concert For those that have signed our waiver to participate in our Fall Concert, rehearsals begin this Tuesday! Please enter through the Auditorium Lobby front doors for these rehearsals. You will be required to wear a mask, answer health questions, and follow CDC and HCS guidelines. Those that do not follow guidelines will be asked to leave, and will not be allowed to participate in the rehearsals/concert. If your child wishes to participate, please make sure you have signed the waiver at Schoology vs. iNow Attendance and Grades are officially taken in iNow. Schoology allows me to grade items and mark attendance, but these are not official HCS records and are not accurate. For accurate attendance and accurate grades, please check iNow.
DirectorTucker Ratcliff Archives
February 2025