Good Afternoon Grissom Choir,
I hope that everyone is taking the necessary precautions to stay healthy while we are away! I look forward to, hopefully, seeing everyone come April 6th! This Week in Choir… Women’s Choir: Note Ear Training Assignment Scale Ear Training Assignment Men’s Choir: Note Ear Training Assignment Scale Ear Training Assignment Concert Choir: Haydn Hits Review TED Talk Assignment Note Ear Training Assignment Scale Ear Training Assignment Chamber Choir: Haydn Hits Review Note Ear Training Assignment Scale Ear Training Assignment Canvas Assignments: I have posted Assignments for each class on Canvas to voluntarily do this week. THESE ASSIGNMENTS ARE OPTIONAL, AND NOT REQUIRED. They are solely there for your use in order to stay fresh concerning notes, rhythms, pitches, and solfege. If a student does not do these assignments, they will not be penalized. However, I highly suggest students looking at these in order to keep things fresh leading into Concert & Chamber Choir Auditions. Chamber Choir Auditions: I have posted all materials on Canvas for those wishing to audition for Chamber Choir. Take advantage of these next 2 weeks! Trip Updates: European Performance Tour - 7th installment of $177 due by this Friday. Please make out checks to GCPA and send to our Treasurer’s house at 2502 Wynterhall Rd. SE Huntsville, AL 35803. Thank you to those that have already mailed them in. Nashville Heritage Festival Trip - Our Nashville Heritage Festival Trip has officially been cancelled/delayed by our tour company, WorldStrides. I am doing all that I can to make sure that we can reschedule, so that no money is lost! As soon as I have an update from the company, I will inform all travelers.
DirectorTucker Ratcliff Archives
February 2025